Questions before you get started?

  • Our process begins with you. We take our time getting to know your brand, understanding your needs, and embarking on deep creative thinking surrounding a plan of action. Our design projects begin with an introductory meeting in addition to shared materials and questionnaires that clearly define our goals and execution. We value honest feedback and recognize the importance of collaboration.

  • Our expertise lies in the creation of visual content. Many professionals come to us with an interest in elevating/establishing their brand. While we are equipped to offer a fresh perspective and improvements on written content, we certainly won’t pretend to be the experts in your arena. The most powerful voice for your brand is you! We encourage our partners to approach our creative collaborations with introductory content ready for use.

  • Our lead time is dependent on the scope of your project, our current pipeline, and our ability to assign priority. We estimate 2 weeks for the completion of renderings. This estimate takes into consideration the number of renderings requested, the collection of materials, the review/approval of drafts, and the completion/submission of final renderings. Upon receiving your inquiry, we will identify our timeline.

  • Given our knowledge of the industry, its reputable vendors, and our technological savviness, we go above and beyond with representing your selections in the most beautiful way. Should we need improved information regarding your design ideas, we ask the necessary questions. Our renderings offer tremendous detail and honor the artistry of the industry’s creations.

  • The renderings that we create are a hybrid of hand drawn artistry and technological construction. Beyond the depiction of your original design ideas, we offer the ability to modify/expand your design ideas with ease. Have a client that loves your Living Room design, but desires a different area rug? Let’s modify! Additional options and modifications to renderings are offered at an hourly rate following the submission of completed projects.

  • Pricing/estimates are presented to our partners following an introduction and upon understanding the scope of a project. Invoices are submitted monthly by email and are to be paid upon receipt. Graphic design projects are billed at an hourly rate. Hand drawn renderings are billed at a flat rate with additional modifications billed at an hourly rate. Payments may be made via credit card (3.49% fee), check, Venmo, or bank transfer (to be discussed upon receipt of invoice).

  • Ready to get started? Contact us via email or phone to begin your design adventure. We may just be the most organized creatives you’ll ever meet. We collect and safely/efficiently store all materials that you submit via email, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. Have a file-sharing program that fits your needs? We will flex our process to meet yours.

  • As creatives, we understand the value of the “in-progress critique.” Our designs/renderings are submitted in draft phases that allow you to see the work unfold. Yes, we love giving our partners the surprise of finished materials, but as collaborators and entrepreneurs, it’s essential that what we share is everything you asked for (and more). We aim to meet and surpass your expectations.

  • The materials we make are ultimately for you! That being said, our hand is a vital part of the process. We are creative partners and we value this relationship. For materials that contain proprietary information, we promise to protect your privacy (and your secret sauce). Permission will always be obtained prior to use on social media, website, print, and marketing platforms. Visual materials that we define as “artwork” (hand drawn renderings, illustrations, graphic designs) are available for our use on social media, website, print, and marketing platforms. All “artwork”’ is copyrighted by the artist and the partner. “Artwork” shared on social media, website, print, and marketing platforms must include credit to both the artist and the partner. A partner may not assign rights to a third party for any reason without seeking permission from the artist in advance.

  • Upon receiving your stunning high-resolution PDF renderings (and a low-resolution JPG for fast distribution), you may be considering how these visuals will live in real life and how you may present them to your client. We ensure quality visuals that are created in RGB 300 dpi formatting. Should you choose to share your renderings digitally, you will already be equipped with the proper files. Should you choose to export and print, we recommend printing at a reputable professional printing agency that uses color-correct / color-accurate printing technology for the best result. We are not responsible for printing outcomes that do not accurately reflect our digital product. Additionally, we are not to be consulted in efforts to print presentation materials.

  • Design projects with the Studio deeply honor form and function— they also honor the creation of a meaningful relationship between our team members and our clients. When our clients agree to work with our Studio to launch exciting new materials, they agree that our Studio will continue to help them excel by managing these materials. Should our clients decide to engage other avenues of design/functionality with another professional or remove our Studio as the primary creator (administrator), our working relationship changes. We are not responsible for the creative actions of others. We cannot repair the creative actions of others. And, we cannot stand by a product of ours that has been changed unknowingly. To ensure that our projects, services, and relationships remain strong, we stand by this.